Thursday, May 27, 2010


Walking around downtown one day, this caught my eye.  These Italianate buildings date from around the 1870s.  According to that font of all information, Wikipedia, this MJB coffee ad campaign started in 1910; but there was no word on how long it lasted.  Don't know how old this particular sign is, but it is a well preserved blast from the past.  Somehow I don't think this ad campaign would do well today.


  1. Hmm, why not! Smart ad, when you think about it, we are still talking about it today :)
    Nice shot.

  2. hee hee!
    «Louis» has seen this ad. MJB Coffee - WHY?
    Why not?!

  3. I keep asking myself the same question. But I like the juxtaposition of "rooms" a lot.

  4. They most certainly spoke a different language back then. I like the vintage look.

    Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comment. Come visit again. Hope your week started well!

  5. hey, lady, wanted to let you know i used your photo and linked you on my latest mural post!
