Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Dutch Boy Paints

The hardware store is long gone, but not its sign.  The storefront is now occupied by Pizzaiolo, a very popular and inventive pizza joint.  Good on them for keeping the sign in place.  I've never seen it lit at night but have seen photos of this event.  I think it actually looks better in the daylight.


  1. Bravo for saving the sign! I wonder if they used Dutch Boy Paint for the vibrant blue.

  2. And you now what, Ruud is a dutch first name.

  3. Oh yes it would have been a shame to lose this one ODP.. The pizza place must be super confident of their product!

  4. It is very good that they saved the sign!

  5. For some reason lately I have been noticing old signs that remain on buildings long after the business have closed or moved. This one is really far more obvious.
