One of the best things about having a CDP blog is that you learn more about your own town. Julie's new meme
Taphophile Tragics prompted me to look for more Oakland cemeteries. Thus I found Home of Peace Cemetery in East Oakland on Fairfax Avenue off High Street. It is located in a residential neighborhood and is a dedicated Jewish cemetery. Although I worked in East Oakland for many years, I had never heard of it.
Unlike the much larger Mt. View Cemetery, the headstones here are of modest size, the landscaping is spare, and there are no grandiose tombs or family crypts. But it is an active cemetery with recent interments. Most of the headstones are in English, some are in Hebrew, and a few are in Russian.

The earliest grave marker I found was from 1905. This is the most humble grave marker I saw and thought it very touching. I somehow think this was according to Mr. Posner's wishes.
You can see there is still room for more burials. The steepness of the site gives the visitor a view of the Bay.
Thank you, Julie for nudging me to look harder in my own community. For more views and commentary on cemeteries from around the world, visit
Taphophile Tragics.