Friday, January 27, 2012

flying near the cuckoo's nest

Driving down 7th Street in West Oakland I spied this amusing storefront.  Apparenty Lady Cuckoo designs and makes clothing from recycled materials.  You can find her stuff at local flea markets, in her Etsy shop, and in her collage factory.  Didn't go in because of my impeccable timing, the shop was closed.


  1. Lady Cuckoo, such a funny name. A unique artist for sure. Great find.

  2. Lol, finding closed doors is a big speciality of mine!

    I hope they don't all cuckoo at the same time, that would drive me nuts!

  3. It will be there for a while, Carolyn. You can give it another try. Looks like a photographer's version of heaven.

  4. Must be noisy and fun to watch when all the birds come out on the hour!

    Lovely find.

  5. Your photos make me want to go back there as soon as I can :-) Cuckoos are not as funny in France as they expel people from their homes. Have a great Sunday and "merci beaucoup".

  6. Love to stroll through second hand stores.

  7. hee hee...
    You and «Louis» share that sense of timing. This looks interesting enough to warrant a second look...

  8. Local scenes like this is what I like in a blog ...
