Monday, January 21, 2013

Monday Mural: two celebrations today

Two years ago I posted a mural on an alternator shop.  This bilingual mural is inside the entry of the same business.  The style is naive but the wishes are heartfelt.  The quotation reminds us of  Dr. King's famous speech as we honor his birthday.  The mural, which supported Obama's initial candidacy, now serves as a reminder of his second inauguration today.

If you like murals or have a mural you'd like to post, this meme's for you.  You decide what constitutes a mural.  Once you start looking, you find them all around.  Follow the Linky steps below.  Be sure to link back to this meme and visit your fellow posters.  Looking forward to the mural finds posted this week.


  1. There are people that want to turn the the dream into a nightmare. Nothing comes easy.

  2. As you say, the sentiments are heartfelt and that is more than enough...
    Thanks for hosting.

  3. It might be naive but the message is strong.

  4. Is Mural Monday your meme? I'll have to start participating. We have one or two murals in Sarasota. This mural is interesting. All you have to do is drive a car through downtown or a parking lot to realize personal responsibility has gone out the window for many people. Pedestrians continually jaywalk in front of you without any regard of the consequences of their actions. It's a state of mind that's become prevalent in many aspects of our culture nowadays.

  5. Bilingual besides, how truly, truly appropriate in California.

  6. May the second term be full of equality!- lovely mural for today.

  7. Great one for today! Very timely.

  8. I'm always amazed by the number of murals in Oakland. We got some but nothing like you. They all pack a punch.

  9. Seeing as how we're in Montgomery, Alabama at the moment, should have gone in search of a Mural to fit the day ... but it wasn't in the cards. Thanks for stopping by my post and commenting; hope to contribute some more to this meme.

  10. Very fitting for the day. We all hope that this time he won't be sabotaged in his work.

  11. Naive or not, I love the sentiment!

  12. That was a lot of celebrating! Bonne semaine à toi.

  13. I love murals and that´s a wonderful one. Greetings.

  14. Great choice for the day. I'd go with heart over style any day.
