Tuesday, August 11, 2015

E is for electric slide

Ever try line dancing?  It's very democratic because anyone can join in since you don't need a partner.  Part of dancing in the street at the recent Temescal Street Fair included the Electric Slide.  Don't know this dance?  Check out this YouTube instruction video on the dance.  Simple yet so much fun.  The ladies got lots more people to join in when they started this dance.  Linked to ABC Wednesday.


  1. How fun. I like it because anyone can join in. Great candid capture.

  2. Always a delight, to see people who are enjoying themselfes.

    Thank you for participating in our challenge, hope you enjoy it!

    Melody (abc-w)

  3. ... and usually some fine music right along with the dancing.

  4. Oh yes, lots of fun ODP, haven't tried it myself but my niece used to do it and we watched quite a few shows, excellent atmosphere and lots of whooping :)

  5. 1970's, womyn's bars.....ah the memories!

  6. I haven't done line dancing in years, but I used to love it. I checked out the video and realized that I do know that dance. It's a good workout and fun to meet all sorts of other people - singles or in couples.

    abcw team

  7. That is really interesting dance.

  8. Looks like fun. I have tried line dancing, but I am sort of feet-challenged and threw off the whole line!

    I like your observation that it is democratic. Like drum circles, and most gay and lesbian clubs, yes. Thx for your comment on my blog, too! Amy

  9. Fun! When I have to follow a pattern, I don't listen to the music and then I am confused about what to do. So, I simply dance. :-)
    The View from the Top of the Ladder

  10. At the place where I live in the winter, we can expect that at some time in the evening at a dinner dance at the country club, the Electric Slide will get all of the women (and five or six men) on the floor.

  11. I'm AMAZINGLY bad at the Electric Slide.

