Friday, July 23, 2010

Weekend Reflections: you looking at me?

Down the street from the mural with the abandoned mattress, I was stopped dead in my tracks trying to figure out what I was seeing.  Or what was seeing me.  After a moment of disequilibrium, it finally dawned on me that I was seeing a reflection of a mural that was out of view.  See what I mean?  Unfortunately, I failed to note the name of the business that wears this mural.  To see more reflections from around the world, visit James' meme Weekend Reflections.


  1. The one-eyed reflection has retained such vibrant colours. I adore reflections that cause a disconnect between eye and brain.

  2. This would be discombobulating!

  3. That would be a shocker!! Terrific reflection though and a great shot! Hope you have a great weekend!


  4. I experienced the same "hey, what is this?" you did. Good capture!

  5. I get a "I see you see me see you" kind of feeling - a nice observation.

  6. You know what ? This is my favorite photo of yours ! Absolutely fantastic !

  7. I like those kind of superposition between what we can see through the windows and what it is reflecting... In this case, The painting give a dimension a little supernatural, kind of fantastic... Nice, very nice indeed...

  8. Terrific, Carolyn! You were on a roll!
    «Louis» still wants to know if you took a l'il nappy-poo on that mattress...
    All that camera-toting surely had worn you out...

  9. Wow,- this I like!:)
    Well seen and well done!! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Nice reflection shot! The new mural is quite different.
