Monday, February 3, 2014

Monday Mural: Irie Lion

Infinite Artistry painted this mural in 2010 on the side of a liquor store just off International Blvd.  Couldn't find anymore information about this artist/business.  Wiki tells me that "irie" is connected to the Rastafarian movement and means feeling alright, powerful, or excellent.  This elegant lion has familiar Oakland landmarks in the background, including the now closed and defunct Bay Bridge.

Welcome to Monday Mural:  if you like murals or have a mural you'd like to post, this meme's for you.  Just follow the Linky steps below.  You get to decide what constitutes a mural.  Once you start looking, you find them everywhere.  Be sure to link back to this blog and to visit your fellow posters.  Looking forward to the mural finds posted this week.


  1. Qué bueno...
    Molan los esgrafiados simulados sobre los que se asienta el león.
    En este lunes de febrero...
    Breves saludos :{)´

  2. The pattern on the right must have a very tedious chore. The lion resembles Prince John in Disney's animated movie Robin Hood.

  3. A very stately lion!

  4. Great mural. I have one wating to post

  5. I like. But then I'm a Leo so always partial to lion images.

  6. Love the colors. And the lion looks so proud!

  7. Super cool. Love murals on side of businesses.
    I joined you this week... hope to do more.
    Thank you for your comment on DOS with Flowers --- I don't know what the flowers are but I will try to find out.

  8. PS --- Rather be Flying is Tash from PVDP (Sorry, old blog under Google email)
