Wednesday, June 9, 2010

ABC Wednesday: U is for Uptown Oakland

Somewhere along the way when I wasn't looking, part of downtown Oakland became Uptown.  Don't ask me how.  Uptown represents a loosely defined area beginning about 17th Street and going to about West Grand and between Broadway and San Pablo Avenue.  For decades it's been a sketchy area and is now being transformed into a hip, boho community.  It is full of art galleries, restaurants and cafes, and new condos and apartment buildings.  It can still be sketchy late at night, but less so now.  This club is in the wonderful cobalt and silver deco building shown previously.  For more ABC Wednesday U photos, click here.


  1. my mother's cousin lives in Oakland; she's always loved it, even in the less desirable times. fascinating how cities change.

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  2. I can see why this must have been irrestistable - and a nice reflection too!

  3. Great shot - it's amazing how quickly things can change.

  4. What a great sign. I'll bet it looks wonderful at night. Our downtown area used to be called uptown years ago, funny how that changes.

  5. Perfect choice for U. How nice of Oakland to refurbish and give you a neat U to post.

  6. Love the shot - especially love the reflection. There's something about reflections that has been grabbing my attention lately.

  7. «Louis» wuz gonna write 'zackly what Photowannabe has already written...
    That should teach him to be late getting here...

  8. very cool sign & great 'U' post for the day!

  9. Another sign with exceptional flair. Love it!

  10. great shot, love the colors and reflected sign, ps your uptowm sounds like ours...

