Thursday, December 30, 2010

comorants on display

Lake Merritt is a stop on the bird migration pathway.  Comorants love to sit on the lake perches facing the sun at the end of the day.  Yesterday I drove by and the entire lake was covered with all manner of birds.  Phenomenal.


  1. I wish you 12 months of happiness, serenity 52 weekend, 365 days of love, 8760 hours of peace 525600 minutes of success, 31536000 seconds of friendship.

  2. marvellous sight - nowhere for any other birds to perch.

  3. Wow, thats a lot of cormorants! Round here in Yorkshire the largest birds I get to see are herons and then only perhaps 1 or 2 per month.

  4. That is such an interesting photograph. Are those perches placed in the water for birds to rest on? Best to you in 2011.

  5. That is a great shot. Now my question is, How did you get all those birds to cooperate and pose so nicely? I have a hard time with just one cat. Hear that Sinbad?

  6. How cute -it's like the birds are all waiting for the concert to begin:) Wishing you a happy New Year!
