In the spirit of the Space Invader of Paris, a local artist has been sprinkling Haddon Hill and other neighborhoods with tiny gnomes. Just because. Some wear kilts like this one and others have the traditional blue trousers and hang out at polka dotted mushrooms. They are painted on 6" blocks that are screwed into the base of utility poles. Close to 2000 of these little guys have appeared in neighborhoods near Lake Merritt over the past year. Who isn't charmed by these whimsical figures? Well, apparently the company that owns the utility poles.
Today's paper says the company is insisting the gnomes be removed "so others don't repeat the pattern with objects that could jeopardize the integrity of the equipment." Really? You should see the dozen or so cell phone transmission boxes hanging off the utility pole across the street---with the utility's blessing, and probably to their profit. Neighbors are standing up for the gnomes. The utility company doesn't want to inflame passions---especially since it has already been the focus of intense criticism for irresponsible and unsafe business practices. So, they are offering to remove the gnomes to "a more appropriate spot" (to be determined) and the artist has volunteered to help. Maybe all's well that ends well, except shouldn't gnomes be free to roam?
Bay Front Park
4 months ago