Tuesday, March 26, 2013

marathon woman

Sunday was the 3rd annual Oakland Running Festival.  Over 10,000 people signed up for the various events that made up this year's festival.  Tutu Girl was smiling the entire time she was running.  And lest you think she was just in it for the fun, I'm happy to report that she was near the front of the pack at this point in the race.  Who says you can't be silly and serious at the same time?


  1. Those legs look like she should be at the front of the pack!

  2. Love this pic, the energy, the colours, brilliant capture.
    Beth of newcastledailyphoto.co.uk

  3. I have seen women running in tutus before. Usually they are back in the middle of the pack. Congratulations to this one for being a leader with a sense of humor.

  4. I wish I had legs like hers!

  5. Not me that's for sure. Silly sometimes is the only thing that makes serious bearable :) oh my she looks so fit, how nice would that be!!
