Thursday, November 7, 2013


As the sign implies, bicycling is very popular in Oakland.  Dedicated lanes for bicycles on our city streets are definitely on the increase.


  1. Bonjour,
    Je découvre ton blog, j'aime beaucoup ton travail! Des aventures et de très belles photos.
    Je suis artiste peintre, photographe amateur; je me suis inscrite pour suivre tes publications!
    Je t'invite à me rendre visite sur mes blogs, merci beaucoup et bonne journée! Cath.

    HI, I discover your blog that I like very much! adventures and very beautiful photographs.
    I am french amateur photographer; I was registered to follow your publications
    Do not hesitate to visit to me over my blogs, thank you, have a nice day! Cath.

  2. I drove buses for many years and I agree completely with bike lanes.

  3. Glad to see that bikes are also gaining in your part of the world. Still the trick to get the spokes right in a wheel is something best to be done by professionals.

  4. I like the play on words here.

  5. Like Sinbad, «Louis» likes the play on words.

  6. We need more bike lanes here too!
