Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday Mural: create for yourself a new heart

This huge mural is located downtown and was created in 1985.  The title is taken from Ezekial 18:31 which has to do with repentance.  A small section of this mural was posted two years ago which features Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas.  The greater theme of the mural relates to Jewish traditions.  The lower parts of the mural have been painted over and the remainder is in poor condition.  Nonetheless, do yourself a favor and zoom in to see the fascinating details.  Go here for a discussion of the mural.

If you like murals or have a mural you'd like to post, this meme's for you.  Just follow the Linky steps below.  You get to decide what constitutes a mural.  Once you start looking, you find them everywhere.  Be sure to link back to this blog and to visit your fellow posters.  Looking forward to the mural finds posted this week.


  1. That is very impressive.

  2. Feel I have really loowered myself today posting Grafitti but it made me smile

  3. The best way to view your photo is to click on it and view it at full size. The mural has so much detail.

  4. Beautiful! I like how it's done right to the top.

  5. This is amazing! I love all the details.

  6. Excellent mural, I like it very much!

  7. That looks wonderful - pubs are closing down every week in the UK and you can't predict which ones they'll be - some unlikely ones continue to thrive whilst one that seem to thrive suddenly disappear - not that I do anything to help except record the changes as I'm teetotal.
